Mobile App

4) Settings

Updated at 3/3/2023

The application settings can be accessed via the side menu of the app. On this screen, the following settings can be changed:

• Wipe application data: erases all data from the app and removes all permissions.

• Enable query mode: Changes the DynaLogger memory cleaning function. By default, whenever data is collected from the DynaLogger, it is reset for storage of new data collection. By enabling query mode, whenever a collection is performed the user will be asked to decide whether or not to clear the DynaLogger’s memory.

• Default axis nomenclature: defines the default orientation of the X, Y and Z axes of the DynaLogger.

• Synchronization warning: Enables the notification bar for pending synchronization (red);

• Pending warning: Enables the notification bar for spots with pending status;

• Scan spots: Enables automatic searching for associated spots when opening a machine.

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