Getting Started

4. Positioning

Updated at 3/2/2023

Before carrying out the physical installation of the sensors on the machines, here are a few recommendations:

The first step, in the case of explosive atmospheres, is to consult possible restrictions on the product datasheet.

Regarding to vibration and temperature parameter measurements, these should be taken on rigid parts of the machinery. Installation on fins and in fuselage regions should be avoided, as these may present resonances, attenuate the signal, and dissipate heat. In addition, the device should preferably be positioned on a non-rotating part of the machine.

Since the DynaLoggers take readings on three orthogonal axes, they can be installed in any angular direction. However, it is recommended that one of the axes (X,Y,Z) be aligned with the machine shaft.

Left: DynaLogger TcA+. Right: DynaLogger HF

The images above show the orientation of the DynaLogger axes. This can also be seen on the label attached to the devices. The correct positioning of the device should take into account the axis and orientation of the machine. The image below shows a DynaLogger positioned on an electric motor.

X=Axial; Y=Horizontal; Z=Radial

The images above show the orientation of the DynaLogger axes. This can also be seen on the label attached to the devices. The correct positioning of the device should take into account the axis and orientation of the machine.

  1.  The DynaLogger must be installed in a rigid part of the machine, avoiding regions that may present localized resonance;
  2. Preferably, the DynaLogger should be centered in relation to critical components, such as bearings;
  3. It is recommended to keep the DynaLogger at a fixed point, i.e., to define a definite installation for each device in order to obtain repeatability in measurements and a history of quality data;
  4. It is recommended to verify that the surface temperature of the monitoring point is within the recommended limits (-10ºC to 84ºC) for the use of DynaLoggers. Using the DynaLoggers at temperatures outside the specified range will void the product warranty;

Regarding the actual installation locations, we have created a suggestion guide for the most common machine types. 

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