Getting Started

3. Structuring the Asset Tree

Updated at 3/2/2023

Before placing sensors in the field, it is recommended to ensure that the asset tree (hierarchical structure) is properly created, with the monitoring points already standardized waiting for the sensor that will be associated to it. To learn all the details and understand how to perform the asset tree structuring process, please read the article Asset Tree Manegement.


This facilitates the work in the field and ensures that the points are registered in the correct structure.

 The asset tree structure should be defined by the customer and, preferably, follow the standard already used by the company in ERP software (SAP, for example).

After creating the asset tree via the Web Platform, the user should ideally also register the monitoring point (called the spot) in the tree structure, before going into the field to perform the physical installation of the sensors.

The image below shows an example of an asset tree:


With these procedures completed, the user can finally go into the field to perform the physical installation of the sensors on the machines and components registered in the asset tree.  

After finishing these procedures, the user can finally go into the field and perform the physical installation of the sensors on the machines and components registered in the asset tree.

 More details regarding this process are present in the following articles of this section.


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